LaurieAnn Harper

LaurieAnn Harper



About Coach

As a competitive cheerleader in high school, athletics, and sportsprovided me withan outlet to learn discipline and perseverance to continue going even when faced withtoughobstacles.After high school, although I continued to enjoy activity, I left behind sports and anykind oftraining.It was after my thirdchild,that I started back at the gym, andit wasafter I had been training for a couple of monthswas when Irealized how much training at the gym helped meandI had a passion for helping others as well.

Turning Point

After having my third child I suffered from postpartum depression. Every day for two years life felt like walking through mud, slow and with no hope. It wasn't after I started exercising six days a week at abootcampbasedgym that I realized, thatwhile life’s struggles were not getting easier, I getting stronger not only physically but mentally. I wanted to help other women just like me, silently struggling to realize how strong theyactuallyare!

Motivation & Passion

My purpose in coaching is growth and education. By educating my clients about the purpose and reason for their exercise they can grow into not only knowing “what” they are doing in the gym but the “why” behind it as well. I'mpassionedto serveanyone who wants to get stronger but doesn’t know where to start. Anyone who needs encouragement. Anyone who wants to bring their workout to the next level because they currently feel stagnant and bored in their current routine.